The sample program checks for the error format in the event occurrence data if the select() call returned an error. 示例程序在事件发生数据中检查错误格式,判断select()调用是否返回了错误。
Ignore invalid resources when executing the schedule: Select this check box to suppress error messages about resource monitoring data sources. Ignoreinvalidresourceswhenexecutingtheschedule:选择该复选框来禁止关于资源监控数据源的错误消息。
If the select() call returns an error, a special flag is passed to the parsing function to indicate that the error format will be used in the output. 如果select()调用返回错误,就把一个特殊的标志传递给解析函数,表示在输出中将使用错误格式。
If you select this option ( the default isTreat as error), you need to be careful when you have many active instances and one event could correlate to a high percentage of the instances. 如果您选择这个选项(默认选项是Treataserror),当您拥有许多活动实例并且一个事件与这些实例中的多数实例相关时,您需要十分小心。
In the Problems view, select the error resulted from validation. 在Problems视图之中,从确认中选择出错的结果。
You can use the error code property in the expression to select only the particular error you want to handle in that catch clause. 可以在表达式中使用此错误代码属性,仅选择要在catch子句中处理的特定错误。
Methods To select best chromatographic condition by trial and error, making changes in sorbent, developing agent. 方法通过改变层析条件吸附剂、展开剂、显色剂,反复实验,筛选出适宜的层析条件。
Select this option to use a custom error page, and then choose the page to use. 选择此选项以使用自定义错误页,然后选择要使用的页。
Select Error in the combo box above to view the semantic errors. 在上面的组合框中选择错误以查看语义错误。
In the properties window, select the message property and type the error message that will be displayed if the component ID is not found. 在“属性”窗口中,选择“message”属性,键入找不到该组件id时显示的错误信息。
Experimental results show that our approach can select soft error vulnerable spots, it is useful for the optimal design. 实验结果表明本方法可以成功筛选出逻辑电路中的敏感点,为后续优化设计提供指导。
In the error checking section, select the enable background error checking check box. 在“错误检查”部分,选中“允许后台错误检查”复选框。
It is shown that using backward selection algorithm select centers can minimize the net work output error in great extent, make network structure more simple and more generalization and approximation. 用后向选择法选择中心能最大程度地减小网络的输出误差,使网络结构简化,并且具有更强的泛化能力和逼近能力。
The third step is called the allowance design which is meant to select an error precision of parameters for optimum benefit. 第三次叫容差设计,研究如何选择参数的误差精度使总的效益最好。
The communication protocol adopts TCP with connection, the software design applies blocking mode and OCI technique, and the function SELECT() is used to disrupt the blocking for error redundant processing. 通信协议采用基于有连接的TCP/IP通信协议,软件设计采用阻塞的通信模式和OCI连接数据库,利用select函数定时中断阻塞,进行错误冗余处理。
The cardinal important thing of state test is to select the most efficient and optimize test sequence against typical error. 状态测试的首要问题就是从大量的状态组合中挑选针对典型的错误能够最为有效和最为优化的测试序列。
At last, variance analysis is introduced against estimation error to select the optimal discriminant features that minimize the error rate of minimum distance classifier. This method can also be used in other feature selection problems. 最后该文运用方差分析法对最佳鉴别特征进行特征选择使之代入最小距离分类器后识别率最大。
It has performance to select control modulus state by the error change of the system, proportion control, fuzzy control, proportion integral control switch for use. 系统的特点是根据误差的变化选择控制模态,有比例(P)控制,模糊(Fuzzy)控制,比例积分(PI)控制.在生产过程中三种模态分段切换使用。
The Doppler flood flow parameter metrology system will do much more experiment on the basis of the status, then do some statistics, and select the error limitation, thus come to the standards, and lay down the metrology norm, fill up this blankness. 多普勒血流参数计量体系将在以本装置为硬件基础的条件下,通过大量的测试,再依试验数据作统计分析,划取误差限,形成标准,制定计量规程,填补计量领域的这一空白。
Analysis the video compress technique error tracking and reference picture select based on feed-back channel. Identifying the position of error block in error frame or in the error propagation frame by error tracking firstly, then recovering the error by Multi-RPS. 在系统分析基于反馈的差错跟踪和参考帧选择技术的基础上,利用差错跟踪技术标志出错帧和差错扩散帧中的错误宏块的位置,然后采用多参考帧选择技术恢复差错。
In the design procedure, I am responsible for the design and simulation of reference voltage element and oscillator; I have also analyzed and simulated the mode select device, error comparator, logic circuit, protect circuit and power transistor conscientiously. 设计中,本人主要担负基准电压源、振荡器的设计和仿真,对模式选择、误差比较器、逻辑电路、保护电路、功率管也做了细致的分析和仿真;
In the course of algorithmization, we should select arithmetic with high numerical stability and controlling error and computational effort little and saving memory space. 在算法实现过程中,选择数值稳定性高、误差可以控制、计算工作量少和尽可能节省内存空间的算法。
It is good to raise transmissibility of signal to select reasonable line code, and to reduce error code. 合理选择线路码型有利于提高信号传输速率,减少误码率。
How to select the parameter increment restrained by bow height error and maximum feed speed has been analyzed, too. 分析了受弓高误差和机床最大进给速度限制的参数增量的选取。
Through experiment we select the minimum error method to approach image binaryzation. 通过对比分析,选用最小误差法来自适应地实现图像的二值化;
However, the BMA always try to select the motion vector yielding the least compensation error and thus easily fail in plain and texture area. 然而块匹配方法总是选择残差最小的运动矢量,因此在图像平坦区域和纹理区域容易得到错误结果。
After formulating the dynamics of parallel manipulators as a group of differential equations with Lagrange method, we select the tracking error as state variables, and express the dynamic model by a group of state equations. 在使用Lagrange法得到微分方程形式的并联机器人动力学模型的基础上,选取跟踪误差为状态变量,推导得到了状态方程形式的动力学模型。
Under different conditions, overhead line sag should select appropriate methods of observation to reduce the error of sag observed values. 在不同条件下架空输电线路的弧垂选用适宜的观测方法,减少了弧垂观测值的误差。